Friday, July 20, 2007

AX Web Form Control Properties

LookupMethod:Specifies the behavior for a lookup button on the form. The default behavior is to display a pop-up window.

LookupControl:Creates a custom lookup with a relation between two table fields.
Set the LookupControl property to the name of the relating field, and the LookupMethod property to Custom.

MenuItemName:This property is not supported in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

MenuItemType:This property is not supported in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

ServerSideControl:Specifies whether tab changes are handled on the server or the client. Set the property to Yes for the server. Set the property to No for the client.

WebMenuItemName:Specifies the name of the menu item.The menu items in the property list vary depending on the setting of the WebMenuItemType property.

WebMenuItemType:Specifies whether the menu item is a URL link to a Web part page or an action that references a class or job.

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