This blog is all about Dynamics AX and X++.Microsoft Dynamics Ax tips and tricks .
Monday, September 10, 2007
When using index (not using hint) in a select statement without 'GroupBy' or
'OrderBy' in what sequence do the records occur
When using Index hint, the index chosen is hinted to the SQL server as the
one that should be used for the query.
(you shouldn't use this unless you are very sure that's the best selective
index there ever will be for the table)
the index (without hint) is interpreted into a simple ORDER BY clause, so
the records will be ordered in the order of the fields from the index.
( you can turn on logging SQL statements and see the actual query being sent
to the server)
Why to call update
This does not updates the table AssetParameters asset; ; asset =AssetParameters::find(true); ttsbegin; asset.AutoNumber=NoYes; ttscommit; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But the following code updates the table now the question why there is need of call asset.update(); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AssetParameters asset; ; asset =AssetParameters::find(true); ttsbegin; asset.AutoNumber=NoYes; asset.update(); ttscommit Answer: AX works with cursors In code snippet , asset - is a cursor - a special object storing the values of a record of a specific table, in your case, the AssetParameters table. Which means that you can modify any fields in this cursor, but they won't get reflected in the database, because it's NOT the database, it's just a storage for the values you input. The update method, if properly called (notice the ttsbegin and commit and the true parameter in the find method), will transfer the changes in the cursor into the database.DAX kernel makes the analysis and extra manipulations with the data when super() of this method on table level is called.For example, it can set the modifiedBy and other modified* fields on the record, if the corresponding properties are turned on on the table. Also, it analyzes the fields that have been changed and creates the query,needed for the update, assigns a new RecVersion, validates that no other users have changed the record while you were making your changes (here concurrency models are analyzed as well), etc... |
More RecId and Id
a table (for DAX 4.0)
the entire company (DAX 3.0 and earlier)
RecId is assigned to every record by the kernel of Dynamics AX each time a
record is created.
an ID is not a standard name in DAX, so it's either a customized field added
into the table you are looking into, or just an identifier of an object.
For example, there is a TABLE ID, which is the number of each table in DAX.
A FIELD ID is an integer identifing a field in a table.
You can make your IDs string as well, for example the NumberSequences work
this way.
Dynamics AX Certification
Dynamics AX Certification
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 DevelopmentIntroduction Certification Exam (VUE Exam # AX 40-508,
Prometric Exam # MB6-508) Preparation Guide
Target Audience
Individuals wishing to obtain a certification on Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Development Introduction should take this exam.
Exam Specifics Skills Being Measured:
This certification exam measures your ability to understand and use the integrated development environment of Microsoft Dynamics AX, MorphX Development Suite. You will be tested in the AX Architecture, Data Dictionary, user interfaces and Report adjustments. You will also be measured in how to use X++, Classes, Control statements, Data Base access and Exception Handling.
Time Requirements and Questions:
90 minutes to complete the exam
75 questions with a passing rate of 70%
Multiple Choice and Multiple Answer questions
Register for VUE Exam# AX 40-508 AX 4.0 Development Introduction Certification Exam at
Pearson VUE
Register for Prometric Exam# MB6-508 AX 4.0 Development Introduction Certification Exam
at Thompson Prometric
Exam Preparation Tools
In addition to your hands-on experience working with the product, we highly recommend using the
following tools and training to help you prepare for this exam:
Training Materials:
8623: Development I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
8633: Development II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
Instructor-Led Training (Please check with your region to verify instructor-led training
8623: Development I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
8633: Development II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0
For training materials in additional languages visit Training Materials and search for additional languages.
For instructor-led training in additional languages please visit Find Training and search for courses in
additional languages.
Additional Skills Recommended:
Experience in object oriented programming
Exam Topics
General Microsoft AX Architecture – 18%
Understanding of 3-tier Architecture
Understanding of AOS
Knowledge of Layer Technology and how to Work with Them
Understanding of Label System and Creating Label Files
Development Tools - 18%
General Knowledge of AOT
How to use Intellimorph
How to Import/Export Objects
Debugging Techniquest
Application Objects– 21%
Creating Data Dictionary Objects
Creating and Working with Forms
Setting Up Projects
Creating and Working with Reports
Creating and Working with Queries
Creating and Working with Menus and Menu Items
Utilizing the Security Structure
Utilizing the Configuration Structure
Table Collections and Virtual Companies
X++ Development – 27%
Data Manipulation/Accessing the Database
Working with Maps
Interacting with the User
Working with Data Models
Working with Class Models
AX-specific Select Techniquest
Best Practices – 16%
Using Naming Conventions
General X++ Coding Standards
Using Validation Techniques
What is the difference between a RecId and an Id?
1. What is the difference between a RecId and an Id?
Ans. The kernel generates the RecId while the Id is generated by the
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Extended datatype of a variable
how can I determine the extended datatype of a variable dynamically? I know the function typeof(), but that gives me only the underlying basic-type through the enum Types. That's not enough for my purpose.
static void printType(Args _args)
DictType dictType;
print "This ID is the TypeId, not the EDT ID - ", typeId(ItemId);
print "This ID is what we need - ", typeId2ExtendedTypeId(typeId(ItemId));
print "This ID is wrong - ", new DictType(typeId(ItemId)).id();
dictType = new DictType(typeId2ExtendedTypeId(typeId(ItemId)));
print "This ID is correct - ",;
dynalink info in caption of forms
When opening a form with a dynalink to some record, this dynalink information
is automatically added to the form caption, often making the caption very
long and hard to read. Example: Open the SalesTable form from a debtor
Answer 1.
you can add this line befor super() call in init() method of the form.
Answer 2.
You can override the active method on the datasource and add the
following line there:"%1", smth));
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Time difference b/w insert_recordset and update_recordset
Here i am trying to find what time is takes to insert and update records using insert_recordset and update_recordset.When the Table's Temporaryproperty is YES and No.
With Temporary property set to No.update takes half of the time it takes to insert.
With Temporary property set to Yes.update and insert operations take zero time.
TestTable test;
CustTable Cust;
int time1;
int time2;
time1 = WinAPI::getTickCount();
insert_recordset test(CustName)
select Name from Cust;
info(strfmt('Insert Time %1 %2',time2,time1));
time1 = WinAPI::getTickCount();
update_recordset test
setting CustName='Huzaifa';
info(strfmt('Update Time %1 %2',time2,time1));
while select * from test
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Caching of display methods
Caching of display methods has been introduced to improve the performance of display and edit functions if they are calculated on the AOS, and to improve the performance when records are transferred from the server to the client.
Signing up methods for caching
Only methods that are explicitly added to the cache are affected by the new caching mechanism. To sign up a method for caching, the method cacheAddMethod on the form datasource should be called after super() in the init method of the datasource.
The call to cacheAddMethod also determines how often the cached display method value is updated. The value is filled in on fetching data from the back-end, and it is refreshed when reread is called on the datasource. Furthermore, by default the display method values are also updated when the record is written to the database, but that can be changed using the _updateOnWrite parameter in the cacheAddMethod.
Only display methods that are of display type can be cached, i.e. edit-methods cannot be cached
The cacheAddMethod signs up the specified display method for caching. The cached methods are calculated on fetching data, and the calculated values are then passed to the client together with the data. The cached values are refreshed on reread, and by default, on write and create.
public boolean cacheAddMethod(str _methodName, boolean _updateOnWrite)
Returns: TRUE if the method was signed up successfully, otherwise FALSE
_updateOnWrite: Determines whether the cached value is updated automatically when the record is written. Default value is TRUE.
This method should be called after initialization of the datasource, but before any data is fetched. Hence the call to this method should be placed after the call to super() in the init method.
The _updateOnWrite parameter also determines if the display method value should be calculated and cached when a new record is created. To manually update the cached value for the display method, call the cacheCalculateMethod method.
Only methods with the display keyword can be cached. Furthermore, only table methods can be cached, i.e. methods written on the form or the form datasource cannot be cached. Use the tableMethodStr function to get a compile check as to whether the method exists.
Do not sign up display methods that are not used on the form - they will be calculated for each record even though the values are never shown.
Example 1 |
public void Init() { super(); this.cacheAddMethod(tablemethodstr(custtable,freeValueCur)); }
On a form having custtable as a datasource, you might find this in the init method of the datasource |
how to make look up
The super() call in Lookup checks whether the control is bound to a field, or to an Extended Data Type and calls either
which are both member functions (methods) on the Formcontrolname class (FormStringControl, FormRealControl, FormIntControl, FormDateControl or FormTimeControl).
You can override the super() call, and call one or the other method yourself, and give the necessary parameters.
One possibility is to call performDBLookup with only FieldId, in which case you can perform a lookup on another field within the same data source.
void Lookup()
FormStringControl FEL;
FEL =;
//12 is the Id for the field to be shown on the Country control
Both methods may also be called with an alternative Company to achieve a lookup in another data file. Default company is the one that the current data source belongs to.
Sample Code
public void lookup()
Query query = new Query();
QueryBuildDataSource queryBuildDataSource;
QueryBuildRange queryBuildRange;
// Create an instance of SysTableLookup where 'this' the current Form control.
SysTableLookup sysTableLookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(LedgerJournalName), this);
// The field to be shown in the lookup form.
sysTableLookup.addLookupField(fieldNum(LedgerJournalName, JournalName));
// Limit and arrange data selection.
queryBuildDataSource = query.addDataSource(tableNum(LedgerJournalName));
queryBuildRange = queryBuildDataSource.addRange(fieldNum(LedgerJournalName, JournalName));
// Perform lookup
Monday, July 30, 2007
From a developers point of view, these are the tables which are important.
• NumberSequenceTable contains the definitions of each number sequence.
• NumberSequenceList holds numbers for continuous number sequences that have not been completed or are currently reserved.
• NumberSequenceReference holds which number sequence is used for which function.
• NumberSequenceGroup is a list of number sequence groups.
• NumberSequenceGroupRef contains the number sequence references specific to a group.
• NumberSequenceTTS holds the transaction id of a number before it has been completely assigned. It is used during the clean up process, in case of a system crash.
• NumberSequenceHistory holds a log of all changes made to the number sequence.
From a developers point of view, these are the classes which are important.
• NumberSeq assigns numbers and vouchers, handles continuous number sequences, and calls clean up when appropriate.
• NumberSeq_Fast is used for number sequences that are not continuous. It does not keep a record of the status or store transaction ids for later clean up, and is better performance wise.
• NumberSeqCleanUp looks for numbers in the list that have not been completed, looks for the session that created them, and, if the session is no longer active, frees up the number for later use.
• NumberSeqDataArea is used in the clean up process.
• NumberSeqFormHandler is used whenever a number sequence assigns a number in a form. It handles records being deleted and ensures that two users cannot use the same number.
• NumberSeqReference creates the link between the function and the number sequence. NumberSeqReference is the super class used, and there is a sub class for each module.
• NumberSeqNumCache contains the method to manipulate the cache of reserved numbers.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Sate Design Pattern
namespace State_Pattern
public abstract class State
public abstract void Handle(Context context);
public class Context
State state;
public State State
get { return state; }
set { state = value; }
public Context()
this.state = new ConcreteStateA();
public void Handle()
public class ConcreteStateA:State
public override void Handle(Context context)
Console.WriteLine("i am in Concrete A" );
context.State = new ConcreteStateB();
public class ConcreteStateB : State
public override void Handle(Context context)
Console.WriteLine("i am in Concrete B" );
context.State = new ConcreteStateA();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Context context = new Context();
for(int a =0 ; a<10;a++)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
customizing Editor scripts
As a practice whenever me or my colleagues create a new Class/Form/Report in AX, we add a new method called DevelopmentHistory() which contains details on all modifications made to that object by any developer. It later becomes easy to view changes made and identify why they were made :).
Hence I added this method in the class:)
void comments_DevelopmentHistory(Editor e)
e.insertLines('void DevelopmentHistory()'+'\n');
e.insertLines('Made By :'+'\n');
e.insertLines('Date :'+'\n');
e.insertLines('Project Ref :'+'\n');
e.insertLines('Brief Functionality :'+'\n');
e.insertLines('Changes Made :'+'\n'+'\n'+'\n');
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
What is RecId
Share Point FAQ
Ans: Windows sharepoint is new technology, which is available in the form of service on Windows 2003 server. It uses CAML (Collaboration application markup language) Wss is more content management based with document libraries and lists.
Q: What is Share Point Portal?
Ans: Windows share point portal offering features like global navigation and searching.
Q: What is document library?
Ans: A document library is where you upload your documents, they consists of row and columns with links to the documents
Q: What is meeting workspace?
Ans: Documents workspace consists of information surrounding a single or multiple documents.
Q: What is a web part?
Ans: Web parts are nothing but the integrated controls which perform some specific task. In short web part is nothing but xml queries to full sharepoint list or document.
Q: What is web part zone?
Ans: Web part zone consist of zonetemplate, and it is nothing but a container in which we can drag and drop user control.
Q: What is DWP?
Ans: DWP is nothing but name of web part file extension
Q: What are various kinds of roles user can have?
Ans: 1. Reader: Has read only access to the web parts
2. Contributer: Can add content to existing document libraries and lists.
3. Web Designer: Can add content to the existing document libraries and lists
4. Administrator: Has full control of the web site
AX Web Form Control Properties
LookupControl:Creates a custom lookup with a relation between two table fields.
Set the LookupControl property to the name of the relating field, and the LookupMethod property to Custom.
MenuItemName:This property is not supported in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
MenuItemType:This property is not supported in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
ServerSideControl:Specifies whether tab changes are handled on the server or the client. Set the property to Yes for the server. Set the property to No for the client.
WebMenuItemName:Specifies the name of the menu item.The menu items in the property list vary depending on the setting of the WebMenuItemType property.
WebMenuItemType:Specifies whether the menu item is a URL link to a Web part page or an action that references a class or job.
Difference b/w Abstract class and Interfaces(C#)
·An abstract class can contain fields, constructors, or destructors and implement properties. An interface can not contain fields, constructors, or destructors and it has only the property's signature but no implementation.
·An abstract class cannot support multiple inheritance, but an interface can support multiple inheritance. Thus a class may inherit several interfaces but only one abstract class.
·A class implementing an interface has to implement all the methods of the interface, but the same is not required in the case of an abstract Class.
·Various access modifiers such as abstract, protected, internal, public, virtual, etc. are useful in abstract Classes but not in interfaces.
·Abstract classes are faster than interfaces.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Install of AX Enterprise Portal
EP Installation with WSS 3
I have decided to install
I use "Install and configure a Microsoft Dynamics AX Enterprise Portal Server" -white paper as a main source. This version is dated in February, 2007. Another tool I use is a memo downloaded from Microsoft Technet: "Deploy in a simple server farm (Windows SharePoint Sservices)" I can't make basic installation bacause our Database is located in another server. So we need a server farm.
So let's begin. I have uninstalled IIS and SharePoint including all the related databases.
Installed or created prerequisites:
- Dynamics AX client
- Business connector proxy in AD
- SQL Server 2005(Security & Login settings)
1. Install IIS (, Frontpage not selected)
2. Enable ASP.NET 2.0 (\Windows\\Framework\v2.0.50727)
3. Copy Ax32.exe.config to the \Client\Bin -folder
4. Install .NET Framework 3
5. Install WSS 3
5.1 Choose Installation: Advanced
5.2 Server type: Web Front End - Install
5.3 "Run the Share...." -check box selected - Close
5.4 Configuration Wizard
5.4.1 "No, I want to create a new server farm" Next
5.4.2 Database server and database name, User name (proxy user) & psw
5.4.3 Specify Port number - empty, NTLM - next, next, Finish
5.5 IE: tools, internet options, trusted sites - add
Create new web application
5.6 Central Administrator page: Application management/SharePoint Web application management/Create or extend...
5.7 Click "Create a new web application"
5.8 Create a new IIS web site: "Sharepoint - 80", Allow anonymous - Yes, Create a new application pool: "Sharepoint - 80", Configurable: User name: (proxyuser), psw - Others default
5.9 "Iisreset /no force" in command prompt
5.10 Operations-tab/ Security Configuration/service accounts: Web Service: Choose "Windows Sharepoint..."
5.11 In Application pool, select "Sharepoint - 80"
5.12 Select configurable. User name: (domain\proxyuser), OK, "iisreset /noforce"
6. Configure ASP.NET (web.config-file) and "iisreset /noforce"
7. Add Proxy-user to the groups: Power users, IIS_WPG, WSS_WPG
8. Configure IIS for SharePoint and EP:
8.1 Open IIS manager. Right click Web sites. Choose properties
8.2 Directory security/Authentication and access control, edit: Integrated Windows authentication - OK
8.3 Expand Application pools. Choose Sharepoint - 80 and properties. Check that Proxy-user is in configurable in Identity-tab.
8.4 Expand Web sites. Choose Sharepoint - 80 and properties. Check that version v2.0... is selected in tab. Check also Sharepoint central Admin v3 -site.
9. Install EP. Choose
10. Open AX client and run EP Configuration wizard if not already done (I had earlier installation)
11. Complete Manage deployment wizard. I got error:"Cannot create Performance Category 'Microsoft Dynamics: Enterprise Portal' because it already exists." This might be because of earlier installation so I don't mind this.
12. Create EP site
12.1 In Client menu...EP/Web sites. Click Create site. Create a site collection-page opens
12.2 Fill in needed info. In template selection: Choose custom and Dynamics public
12.3 Primary & secondary administrators I chose myself and Proxy-user. Ok.
12.4 Top level site successfully created. Copy the url and click OK.
12.5 In AX-client/Web sites click Register site.
12.6 Paste the url. Type is Full, Anonymous=true and Press CTRL+S to save changes. Click View in Browser.
12.7 Delete the site from the AX when Register site-page opens in browser.
12.8 Choose the company. Click Register.
12.9 If everything goes fine the installation is completed. Now I have to add the user relations settings.